
Fluid-Bag awarded EcoVadis Gold rating for CSR engagement

EcoVadis Gold logo csrWe are delighted to announce that EcoVadis has awarded Fluid-Bag with a Gold Rating for Corporate Social Responsibility and Supplier Sustainability

This result places Fluid-Bag in the top 5% of all suppliers evaluated by the platform. Within the plastic industry Fluid-Bag qualifies in the top 2% percentile of the evaluated companies.

The EcoVadis Corporate Social Responsibility methodology evaluates four themes: Environment, Fair labour & human rights, Ethics and Sustainable procurement.

CEO Jan Backman is proud of the result: "This recognition is a result of the extensive, long-term sustainability work undertaken at Fluid-Bag, especially in terms of responsible use of plastics. We always strive to find ways to use Fluid-Bag packaging material as efficiently as possible. Our mission is to preserve the quality and maximise the use of both our own and our customers' products. We are also continuously investing in our most important asset, our staff. This Gold rating will certainly inspire us to strive even further", Jan Backman concludes.

Read more about Fluid-Bag and responsible use of plastic here: 

What is EcoVadis?

EcoVadis is the world’s most trusted provider of business sustainability ratings, intelligence and collaborative performance improvement tools for global supply chains. The methodology is built on international CSR standards including the Global Reporting Initiative, the United Nations Global Compact and the ISO 26000, covering 190 spend categories and 150 countries. To date, the EcoVadis database counts over 50,000 assessed companies.

Industry leaders such as Johnson & Johnson, Verizon, L’Oréal, Subway, Nestlé, Salesforce, Michelin and BASF are among the businesses on the EcoVadis network, working to assess, collaborate and improve sustainability performance in order to protect their brands, foster transparency and innovation, and accelerate growth.

For more information, visit www.ecovadis.com 

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